Renovations or additions made to landmarked buildings must usually undergo an approval process with the Landmarks Preservation Commission before being made public. Nonetheless, exterior changes can sometimes be implemented without having to wait for such hearings.
Planting more shade tree canopies is an essential aspect of green infrastructure that delivers clean air and water, energy savings and natural beauty.
1. Retaining and Expanding Canopy
Keep and grow the City’s tree canopy to reduce heat island effect, improve air quality and soak stormwater. Orlando tree service experts, visit their website, mentioned how “Trees help cool cities by absorbing and reflecting heat, as well as by providing shade.”
As trees age and mature, their benefits increase, such as water filtration, pollutant removal, carbon sequestration and stormwater attenuation. A single mature canopy tree may absorb anywhere between 760-3000 gallons of water annually through transpiration alone!
Cities can use the free i-Tree tools to estimate tree canopy coverage and benefits, setting targets for tree planting in low-income neighborhoods with high heat risk or low canopy cover; or create an incentive program allowing residents to plant or maintain trees on their properties.
2. Stormwater Management
Trees help reduce flooding and erosion by intercepting stormwater runoff and slowing its movement; infiltrating nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment from stormwater into lakes or other bodies of water – these services are known as ecosystem services and form part of our City’s infrastructure.
Urban trees help cool streets and neighborhoods, helping reduce air temperatures and energy costs while also offering an alternative to excessive impervious surface coverage by creating natural barriers that reduce heat islands in the City.
Implement and enforce long-term tree care and protection practices to preserve existing trees, expand canopy coverage and retain their benefits for decades to come. Investigate ways of funding new plantings – particularly in neighborhoods with high surface heating levels but low canopy cover. Include tree benefits into greenhouse gas reduction targets and Citywide sustainability goals for maximum effectiveness.
3. Air Quality
Trees help mitigate ground level ozone (O3) levels and fine particulate matter that damage lung function.1
Urban areas often suffer from high levels of impervious surfaces and limited tree cover that contribute to air pollution. Trees provide cooling benefits by lowering ambient temperatures on streets and sidewalks – these benefits are especially important for residents with health conditions such as asthma as well as elders and children living nearby.
Trees also act to mitigate climate change by absorbing and storing carbon, contributing to global warming. As such, they help offset its effects while mitigating health problems associated with excessive heat exposure.
4. Health and Economic Benefits
Fort Myers is famous for its palm trees and tropical climate, earning itself the moniker “The City of Palms”. Although city officials have attempted to come up with something else as its moniker since 1920, “The City of Palms” seems likely to continue long into its future legacy.
Trees provide many environmental and aesthetic benefits in urban environments: lower temperatures, decreased flooding levels, better air quality and safer walking routes are just some of them. Furthermore, trees serve as habitat for wildlife while simultaneously lowering utility bills and absorbing carbon, beautifying communities around them and adding much-needed aesthetic value.
Two-thirds of Florida residents support municipal tree protection ordinances and tax incentives to encourage planting and maintenance of trees on private properties. Furthermore, a survey revealed that homeowners were more likely to back regulations designed to preserve neighborhood trees if they could join in preserving them as participants in such programs.
5. Environmental Benefits
As the City continues to develop, it is critical that we maintain and expand the tree canopy for stormwater management, air quality improvements and other environmental advantages.
Trees absorb and filter stormwater runoff, reducing its amount entering drainage canals, lakes, or the ocean. Furthermore, trees reduce nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment in runoff which may contribute to algal blooms that harm fish populations or smother other aquatic life forms.
University of Florida researchers recently conducted a study demonstrating that every dollar invested in tree planting programs brought $16 in benefits, such as shade, cooling, carbon sequestration and air pollution reduction; increase walkability as people feel safer in streets containing trees; this fact accounts for why 8 out of 10 residents surveyed support ordinances which protect existing trees while requiring tree removal permits.